Friday, March 5, 2010

Day one of many to come

Well today wasn't a total disaster, i managed to get on the treadmill twice. As i'm only starting out i thought i would take it slow and not push myself otherwise i wont want to get back on tomorrow. So i did two 15 min workouts...3.16 kms not too shabby. Tomorrow i will be aiming for the same amount...more if possible but no less.

Got some good/bad news today, hubby has to leave for 5-6 weeks work and will be approx 3 hours away so i will be stuck at home with no car. I'm hoping that being here alone doesnt hinder my motivation. It's always hard to work, raise kids and keep the house up to standards at the best of times but i know that i will be missing him heaps. Hmmm might have to find some things to hellp keep me his face when he comes home and can see i have lost weight.... i think that i will throw each emotion into exercise, if i'm feeling lonely i'll jump on the bike, if i'm feeling overloaded then i'll take some time out and go for a walk on the treadmill with some music cranking or if i lose weight (touch wood) then i will celebrate by doing some extra crunches. Sounds good in theory but putting it into practice will be the real test.

Until tomorrow,

Woop woop

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