Sunday, March 7, 2010


so where did my motivation go today?? hmmm maybe it left with that bottle of wine last night...or would that be the 2nd bottle. I'm not a wine drinker but last night we were celebrating and money was tight so i thought meh why not. And as i lay in bed until lunch time today i thought meh why not. Now as i lay in bed its late and i'm still exhausted i think WHY!!!! i could have just as easily hopped on the treadmill and done a slow walk at some stage today, instead of wasting a full day. I'm trying not to think too much about it and torture myself over it, i'll just look at it as my rest day considering it is Sunday and get back on track tomorrow.

So as i lay here i wonder what really motivates me? Its hard to say, i'm the type of person who will jump into something with two feet and be full on....for about a minute and then the excitment wears off and i never seem to finish anything. My journey in losing weight is not something that will take a week or even a month and if i reach my goal weight it is going to take hard work to stay there and not let it all creep back on again. So i need to find some motivation that will stay with me for life.

Well until tomorrow...hoping i can write about some exercise that i'm GOING to do

Woop Woop

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